Thursday 3 March 2016

Take Over day

November 28th saw the Illuminate Group take over the Museum with a day of performances, activities and workshops.
                          Photo:Laura Mossop

Here's how the day unfolded...

Illuminate invites you to question your thoughts, share your creativity and find your voice...

Our Take Over started with a full programme of poetry, music and talks. This came from a range of groups and artists such as The Mouthy Poets, Revolution House, The Fleets and Outburst youth group plus a special visit from Leela who talked about the term "young people" and whether this was a positive or  negative term.

                             photo: Sian Stammers
                                                                    Photo:Laura Mossop

                                                                 Photo:Laura Mossop
  1. Fleets just warming up on the Take Over day

Performances were accompanied by V.Jing and projections,  artist Laura Mossop created live projections and Sam Metz showed an animation created using poetry written by Illuminate and the Outburst youth group.

Outburstwithcredits from Illuminate on Vimeo.

In the long gallery we ran a range of drop -in activities. Visitors had the chance to create badges to show their passionate causes. The badge making was very popular and busy all day! Illuminate member Kate did an amazing job keeping the production line going and even showed a knack for fixing jammed badge machines.

                                 photo: Sian Stammers
Next up our Magnetic Manifesto board kept up a changing dialogue of the issues and ideas that mattered, from education to gender politics, views were exchanged and commented on throughout the day.

                               photo: Sian Stammers


Lastly we invited visitors to create a page for our Take Over day zine. We offered prompts for people to respond to and then Illuminate members Emily, Hannah and Mary took on the task of editing the pages and then photocopying them to be distributed throughout the day.
You can see an online version of the zine here

                                               photos: Sian Stammers

The Illuminate group took part in three parades during the day wearing costumes created by artist Salina Popova and carrying placards created by the Outburst youth group.

                                            photo: Sian Stammers

Downstairs in the depths of the Museum more subtle Take Overs were happening! Simeon Hartwig from Bantum clothing ran two T-shirt printing workshops were participants created their own protest T-shirts.

                 photos: Sian Stammers

The Mouthy Poets also ran a poetry session, with the final poems being performed on the Take over stage.

                                                                                      photo: Sian Stammers

Throughout the day we asked for feedback from visitors.

                              photo: Sian Stammers

We had a great day with around 1600 visitors, watch this space for our next Take Over!

The day is waning, we finished , thank you for joining us and we official relinquish control back!