Monday, 1 June 2015

A World to Win, Our Illumitopia Manifesto

After looking at a range of the posters that will be shown as part of the "A World to Win" exhibition I was keen to get the group talking about the issues that they care about, from the small everyday to the global.

I wanted us to use this to create our own Manifesto for a new world, a place called "Illumitopia" were we could decide the philosophy and politics to create our better world.

We started by thinking about the things that make this world a good place to live in, things such as behaviours, attitudes, beliefs, systems and inventions. We thought about these in terms of the personal, national and global.  I wanted to divide them up like this to get the group thinking about the smaller everyday behaviour etc that make life better rather than diving straight into the "big" topics and also to see what correlations we could find between the smaller perhaps less significant things and the bigger issues.

We came up with things such as good buses, libraries, contraception, safe places for lost things (gloves left on fences for the owner to find) .

We then talked about the things we didn't like or wanted to change using the themes from A world to win, they were

"Smashing the system", things to change, get rid of
"All power to the people", groups that are marginalise that need a voice
"Subvertising", the impact of large commercial companies on human life and the environment
"No" and "Standing Witness", things that people's attention should be drawn too
"A New Dawn", positive change that would make all our lives better.

We had some very impassioned discussion mainly around education and political education, after feeling very fired up we chose one issue we were most passionate about and re worded it to create our manifesto, here it is

In a couple of weeks time we will be transforming these into screen printed posters.