Thursday, 16 March 2017

Interactive Feedback Machine

We are so proud to share with you the interactive feedback machine that has been developed through co-production with Illuminate Collective, and skill sharing sessions led by Illuminate members Callum Mulligan and Hannah Satchwell. In the spirit of Leonardo Da Vinci who's 10 drawings from The Royal Collection were recently on display at Nottingham Castle, we have looked at design, testing and prototyping.
What does it do? It allows visitors to give feedback about sites they have visited and allows us to get data about the range of people that visit Nottingham Museums.
The interactive has been developed through discussion, conversations and experiments with Outburst, young people's group at NGY, visitors at Nottingham Castle and visitors to Derby Makers Faire.
We can't wait to share the interactive with you - it's currently doing a tour and is available at Nottingham Industrial Museum.
The interactive itself has a Rasberry Pi centre for data collection, a laser cut exterior, infinity mirrors and allows you to have a printed alien when you have given your feedback.
More to come on this project......