Thursday, 21 May 2015

Cornish Light Haiku's

A couple of weeks ago we visited the exhibition " Cornish Light" at Nottingham City Museums and Galleries and wrote some Haiku's inspired by the pictures. Here they are...

The Merry Spring time
Calm and moving trees
In a hidden and warm meadow
Shadows emerge from dying light

Calm and tactile like
Scrumptious crumpet full of honey
Seclusive deep trees

Spearing, Henry Edward Delmold
Escape , reflect, drift
Calm the mind, silence the soul
Peaceful, tranquil, still

Greatest friend, worst foe
Fills our bellies, claims our lives
Brothers against blue

Bonjour you there
Fresh mint smell comes to my nose
I like that , merci!

What’s that over there
It rained on the pavement
It looks pretty cold

I am getting old
I want to tell you a tale

I've not managed to find image of the exact pictures they were written for, but here's a few images to give you a flavour of the exhibition.