Since kicking off 2015 with the awards ceremony for the OPEN, Nottingham Castle have continued the anticipation for exciting contemporary art by hosting two solo shows side by side. John Plowman, A Life Drawing and Richard Slee: Work and Play both opened on 31st January. Illuminate Collective were not only quick to submerge ourselves amongst the works but were also lucky enough to gain extra insight from Deborah Dean, Nottingham Museums Visual Arts and Exhibitions Manager. This gave a further dimension to the investigation we had already started. The works of the two artists will be the inspiration for our Invent and Build event occupying the exhibitions all day 22ndMarch .
Being greeted with a wall of categories, the sense of order and structure is present in the first room leading into John Plowman, A Life Drawing. This is a retrospective organisation of the subjects Plowman has worked through since his degree show in the 1970s. He has used this exhibition to apply these categories to the castles drawing collection. The main two categories are ‘The made’ and ‘The yet to be made’. This explains the exhibitions intention to show the thought process of a sculptor through his drawings and shown again in a quote from Plowman ‘all my drawings are really drawings of the last sculpture I (n)ever made’. Illuminate felt that repetition and architecture elements of Plowman’s work were most prominent and would transfer well to our event.
Richard Slee offers no such boundaries. An imminent reaction to this exhibition could be one of fun and chaos. Upon closer inspection however, we found beautifully crafted ceramics from earthenware clay that could only be made with the precision of trained hands. These objects often also portray a skilfully crafted pun. He does this by using different materials to change, or entirely remove, the function of everyday objects. In doing so he presents them in an entirely new perspective for his audience. In the gallery across the landing from the Richard Slee exhibition, we find a video of the artist in conversation with Grayson Perry where he explains his process of work. When we think of everyday objects being used in art we will most probably think of Pop Art. Illuminate Collective feels Richard Slee’s playful use of everyday objects could be the inspiration for our Invent and Build activities.
Invent and Build at Nottingham Castle will take place on 22ndMarch 2015. Illuminate Collective have designed a range of creative activities for all ages. There will be opportunity to work on individual projects as well as a chance to be part of a collective masterpiece. If you would like a deeper insight to the exhibitions there will be talks led by the artists on 18th March 2015
Post by Hannah Satchwell, Illuminate member